Basic Literary Concept
English Honours Semester:-1 (ENGLISH :H CC –I) Basic Literary Concept ( paper 1 st ) Poetry (Unit:-1) A. Types of poetry:- Ballad, Elegy, Epic, Lyric, Ode, Sonnet Ballad:- A ballad is a form of verse, often a narrative set to music or a love song or poem that tells a story, often about love. Ballad derive from the medieval French chanson balladee or ballad, which were originally “danced songs” Elegy: - A poem or song that expresses sadness, especially somebody who has died. Although a speech at a funeral is a eulogy, you might later compose an elegy to someone you have loved and lost to the grave. The purpose of this kind of poem is to express feelings rather than tell a story. Epic: - An epic is traditionally a genre of poetry, known as epic poetry. In modern terms, epic is extended to describing other art forms, such as epic theatre, films , music, novels, television series, and videos ...