ENGLISH FOR 11th 

                                                              (TEST SERIES) 

                                                        ENGLISH GRAMMAR

            FM:- 40                                                                                                 TIME:- An Hour


           A. Fill in the blanks with suitable verb forms and helping verbs.

            1. Ram and Mohan...............................football every Sun day.

            (a) Play          (b) Played              (c) Playing                    (d) Plays

            2. I ............................playing Chess for the last past ten years.

           (a) Am             (b) Have           (c) Has been          (d) Have been

            3. We shall have been..............The Ramayana since morning.

           (a) Reads          (b) Read            (c) Reading                (d) Read

            5. .......................................Ram and Mohan watching Cinema?

           (a) Is                 (b) Has               (c) Had                       (d) Are

            6. My mother........................bought a pair of shoes yesterday.

           (a) Had           (b) Have                (c) Has                        (d) Can

            7. She....................................some expensive books yesterday.

           (a) Buy             (b) Buying             (c) Bought                 (d) Buys

           8. She .................................enjoying the IPL till the next month.

          (a) Will             (b) Shall                  (c) Will be                (d) Shall be

          B. Fill in the blanks with suitable Modals.

          9. I...................................................................swim across the river.

         (a) May            (b) Can                (c) Might                      (d) Should

         10. No one ........................ drink wine at any cost, it damages liver.

         (a) Shall            (b) Will                (c) Should                     (d) Would

         11. .............................................................we go together to market?

         (a) Shall            (b) Will               (c) Might                        (d) Need

         12. She...................................................some money to help herself.

        (a) Needs           (b) May               (c) Can                            (d) Must

        C. Choose correct option by arranging the incorrect sentences.

        13.     Was going/ Rahul / to School/ his friends/ with.

        (a) School was going to Rahul with his friends.

        (b) With his friends to school Rahul was going.

        (c) Rahul was going to school with his friends.

        (d) Was Rahul going to his friends with  school.

        14.   Children /in their / were / making noise/ class room.

        (a)  Children in their class room were making noise.

        (b) Children were making noise in their class room.

        (c) In their class room were children making noise.

        (d) Class room were making noise in their children.

         15.    Friends / i / my / were /grandmother / and / good.

        (a) My grandmother and i were good friends.

        (b) My grandmother and i were good friends.

        (c) I and my grandmother were good friends.

        (d) My grandmother and i were friends good.

         D. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.

        16. (a) Ram go to market.              (b) Ram goes to market.

        (c) Ram going to market.               (d) Ram gone to market.

        17. (a) Some children was dancing.  (b) Some children is dancing.

        (c) Some children were dancing.     (d) Some children has danced.

        18. (a)  I bought a phone yesterday. (b) I has bought a phone yesterday.

        (c) I am bought a phone yesterday. (d) I may bought a phone yesterday.

        19. (a) She takes coffee daily.             (b) She taken coffee daily.

        (c) She is taken coffee daily.              (d) She has taken coffee daily.

        20. (a) They aren’t  loved me.                (b) They aren’t love me.

        (c) They aren’t loving me.                      (d) They don’t loved me.

         E. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

        21. Radha and Meena study every day .............................night.

       (a) In              (b) At                (c) On                  (d) Over  

       22. Some cows were grazing grass....................................the field.

      (a) In                  (b) On                   (c) Over                  (d) At

       23. Seema goes to market daily..........................................Sohan.

       (a) Along             (b) To                 (c) With                  (d) Together

       24. My mother will come ............................................next Sunday.

       (a) On                 (b) From              (c) At                      (d) Over

       25. No one can be successful................................................. night/

       (a) On               (b) Over               (c) From                 (d) In

       F. Choose the correct tense name by watching sentences.

      26. I have been working in Mumbai for the last past 20 yrs.

       (a) Present Simple                     (b) Past Simple

       (c) Past perfect                          (d) Present perfect continuous

      27. I saw some cattle were grazing grass in the field.

       (a) Past Simple                              (b) Past perfect

       (c) Present continuous                  (d) Present perfect

       28. She visits every morning my home to pluck flowers.

       (a) Future simple                             (b) Future Perfect

       (c) Present Simple                           (d) Present perfect continuous

       29. He will be working for his father’s betterment.

       (a) Future Continuous                     (b) Future perfect

       (c) Future simple                              (d) Future perfect continuous

       30. I haven’t stolen anyone’s money ever.

      (a) Present simple                          (b) present perfect

      (c) Present continuous                   (d) Present perfect continuous

       G. Choose correct information related to Grammar.

       31. How many kinds of letters are there?

       (a) Three            (b) Four             (c) Two              (d) Five

       32. A formal letter starts with............

       (a) Sender’s Address  (b) Date  (c) Receiver’s Address   (d) Subject

       33. ‘Conclusion’ in Article writing doesn’t include.

       (a) Order        (b) Warning      (c) An appeal       (d) Suggestion

       34. How many kinds of passages are there?

       (a) One          (b) Five           (c) Ten                   (d) Two

        35. ‘Expression of thanks’ is written in.

       (a) Report writing                      (b) Article writing

       (c) Speech writing                      (d) Notice writing

       36. How many kinds of tenses are there in grammar?

       (a) Five          (b) Three              (c) Twelve            (d) Ten

       37. How many articles are there in grammar?

       (a) Three           (b) Two              (c) Eight             (d) Ten

        38. Where is the salutation used in the letter?

       (a) Up              (b) Bottom            (c) Right                (d) Left 

        39. Name the letter in which Subject is used.

       (a)  Formal       (b) Informal         (c) Common         (d) Uncommon

       40. Is article used while writing letters?

       (a) yes               (b) No                     (c) never              (d) non of these   

                                                 (THE END)





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