X - FACTOR (Step-1st)             

(12th ENGLISH)

1. Why was Franz in hurry?

(a) For school              (b) For M Hamel                    (c) For fishing                        (d) For participle

2. When Alphonse Daudet was born?

(a) 1885                        (b) 1843                                   (c) 1845                                 (d) 1840

3. What did Franz see in front of the bulletin-board?

(a) Match                     (b) Crowd                                (c) People                             (d) Traffic

4. What did Franz see under M Hamel’s arm?

(a) Book                       (b) Ruler                                  (c) Pamphlet                        (d) Shirt

5. Where did Franz always use to spend time out of school?

(a) Searching birds eggs     (b) Searching love        (c) Fishing                         (d) For playing

6. “Will they make them sing in German, even the…………….

(a) Parrot                      (b) Cuckoo                            (c) Pigeon                           (d) Falcon

7. Where Anees Jung was born?

(a) Hyderabad             (b) Lucknow                         (c) Kerala                            (d) None of these

8. What did the author question to Saheb-E-Alam?

(a) To go school      (b) To leave rag-picking         (c) To wear chappal           (d) To his name

9. For how many years have they been living in Seemapuri without identity card?

(a) More than 20 yrs     (b) More than 34 yrs       (c) More than 30 yrs         (d) More than 23 yrs

10. What is “Udipi” in the story?

(a) A town                       (b) A boy                            (c) A country                       (d) A village

11. For what did the young boy of priest use to pray before the temple?

(a) A beautiful home    (b) A beautiful dress        (c) A pair of shoes              (d) A pair of sleepers

12. Which game was Saheb watching on one winter morning gate by fence?

(a) Badminton                (b) Golf                        (c) Tennis                               (d) Sea-saw

13. When did Saheb-E-Alam and his family move on India?

(a) 1972                           (b) 1970                       (c) 1984                                  (d) 1971

14. How many under aged children do illegally work in bangles industry in Firozabad?

(a) 40000                         (b) 10000                     (c) 12000                                (d) 20000

15. Who does implies being bad born in the caste of bangles maker?

(a) Grandmother           (b) Mother                  (c) Aunty                               (d) Ladies of Firozabad

16. Louis Fischer was the faculty at which university?

(a) Oxford                       (b) Cambridge             (c) Princeton                        (d) Oxbridge

17. When did Louis Fischer visit Mahatma Gandhi in Sevagram?

(a) In 1943                      (b) In 914                      (c) In 1946                            (d) In 1942

18. At what date did Mahatma Gandhi arrive to Muzzafarpur by train?

(a) 15th April 1914         (b) 16th April 1912      (c) 15th April 1917               (d) 15th April 1916

19. Name the prominent lawyer of Champaran.

(a) S.Radha Krishnan    (b) Brij kishor Babu     (c) Gautam Madhav          (d) Devdash

20. Who were Mahadev Desai and Narhari Parikh of Gandhi?

(a) Disciples                    (b) Friends                      (c) Sons                               (d) None of these

21. How many medicines merely were available in the clinic while champaran movement?

(a) Three                          (b) Five                            (c) Nine                               (d) Eight

22. What did Gandhi notice in the women of Champaran?

(a) Cleanly state              (b) Respect                     (c) Love triangle                         (d) Filthy state

23. Why did Gandhi scold the lawyers of Champaran?

(a) For fighting          (b) For collecting high fee      (c) For non-cooperation       (d) For loyalty

24. Who kept on begging Gandhi to fix the date to go to Champaran?

(a) Rajendra Prasad         (b) Raj kumar shukla          (c) J.B Kripalani               (d) none of these

25. Raj kumar shukla was an illiterate and……………..sharecropper.

(a) Uneducated                 (b) Miser                               (c) Friendly                       (d) Resolute

26. For how many days did Gandhi stay with professor Malkani in Muzzafarpur?

(a) Two days                       (b) Five days                        (c) Nine days                     (d) Ten days

27. What was Indigo?

(a) A profession                 (b) A book                             (c) A river                           (d) A crop

28. Who requested the judge to postpone the trail?

(a)  Public                            (b) Judge                                (c) The court                     (d) Prosecutor

29. Which one of the following movements is known as the turning point of Gandhi’s life?

(a) Indigo movement  (b) Salt movement  (c) Non cooperative movement  (d) Quit India movement

30. Who was the Charles Freer Andrews while champaran movement?

(a) A novelist                      (b) A author                           (c) A pacifist                       (d) A lawyer

31. What did Gandhi teach us lesson according to Rajendra Prasad while Indigo movement?

(a) Self reliance                  (b) Self love                            (c) Self care                        (d) Dedication

32. What did Bama see doing people with cattle?

(a) Sleeping                         (b) Muzzling                            (c) Playing                          (d) Weeping

33. From which place did Bama use to get late while coming?

(a) Market                           (b) School                                (c) River                              (d) Field

34. Where did Bama’s brother use to go to borrow the books?

(a) Next village                   (b) Library                                (c) Friend’s house             (d) Market

35. What did Bama learn from her brother?

(a) A good lesson               (b) Education                           (c) Love                               (d) Truth


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