
English Core Modal Set of 11th (MCQ With Answer)

                                         ENGLISH CORE MODAL SET OF 11TH        Answer the following questions by choosing your best alternative in these options Time: An Hour                                                            Full Marks:-90  (Pass Marks:- 17) Voice Q1. Ram was playing chess. (a) Chess was played by Ram.       (b) Chess were being played by Ram. (c) Chess is being played by Ram    (d) Chess was played by him. Ans :- C Q2. He likes Mohan. (a) Mohan liked by him.        (b) Mohan is being liked by him. (c) Mohan is liked by her      (d) Mohan is liked by him. Ans :- D Q3. They bought a mango. (a) A mango was bought by them. (b) A mango were being bought by them. (c) A mango is bought by them       (d) A mango has bought by them Ans:- A Q4. You have eaten some bananas. (a) Bananas has eaten some by you. (b) Some bananas have eaten by you. (c) Some bananas have been eaten by you. (d)Bananas have been eaten by you . A


ENGLISH CORE FOR 12th  Science/Commerce/Arts       COPYRIGHT RESERVED                                                                                                  XA-ENA-(COMP.)-A (CORE)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2001  (XII)       No. of Questions: 12]                                                  [ No. of Printed page : __8_ 2020 ENGLISH (CORE) (Compulsory) Full Marks - 100 Pass Marks - 33 Time --- 3 Hours Candidates are required to give their answers in their  own words as far as practicable. Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.  All questions are compulsory. General Instructions:            1.) This question paper contains 12 (Twelve) questions together in 3 (Three) sections.           2.) Al