
Multiple Choice Questions From (THE RATTRAP)--4

  1. Who was the paddler? (a) A beggar               (b) A rag picker                    (c) A rattrap seller                  (d) A wander      2. What else did the peddler do apart from selling rattraps? (a) Petty thieving                     (b) Enjoying                         (c) Moving                      (d) Singing   3. How were the cloths of the peddler? (a) Decent                          (b) Rags                               (c) Dirty                           (d) Well tailored   4. Where did hunger of the peddler gleam? (a) In his eyes                   (b) In his belly                  (c) In his body                   (d) In his head   5. Whose life was sad and monotonous like a vagabond? (a) Edla                  (b) Iron master                           (c) The crofter                 (d) None of these   6. According to the peddler…the whole world with its lands and seas its cities and villages was a ……………. (a) World                    

Multiple Choice Questions From (DEEP WATER)--3

  1. At the end of the experience, Douglas felt…………………………………………….… (a) Happy                          (b) released                            (c) sad                              (d) victorious   2. ‘All we have to fear is fear itself. Who said these words? (a) Douglas              (b) his instructor              (c) his father               (d) President Roosevelt   3. ‘What do you think you can do to me’? These words were spoken by Douglas to………. (a) a shark            (b) to his enemy            (c) to the boy who pushed him            (d) to terror   4. Whenever terror struck again, Douglas would start…… (a) Shouting                 (b) laughing                           (c) crying                  (d) talking to terror   5. Douglas had to repeat exhaling and inhaling exercises ………………………….……… (a) Hundred times                   (b) forty times                (c) fifty times                   (d) ten times   6. He practiced in the pool …………………………………………………………