
Multiple Choice Questions from (LOST SPRING)--2

  1. Mukesh wants to learn to become a motor mechanic by (a) Finding a tutor                                                                              (b) going to a garage to learn   (c) by reading books                                                                         (d) by joining a school   2. What bothers the author most about the bangle makers? (a) the stigma of poverty and caste                                     (b) the affluence of the landlords (c) the behaviour of the factory owners                                          (d) the labour laws   3. “One wonders if he has achieved what many have failed to achieve in their lifetime. He has a roof over his head”; these lines were said in reference to the condition of… (a) The elderly woman’s old husband                                                       (b) Mukesh’s father (c) the bangle factory owner                                                                        (d) Mukesh’s elder brother