
Character Sketch of Rajkumar Shukla ('Indigo' by Louis Fischer))

Rajkumar shukla was an illiterate poor sharecropper of Champaran, Bihar. He was born on 23 August 1875 at a village Satwaria of Champaran Bihar. During the thirty first session of the Congress in Lucknow in 1916 Shukla met Mahatma Gandhiji as a representative of farmers from Champaran who requested Gandhiji to visit his district to see himself miseries of Indigo sharecroppers there. Because most of the arable lands of Champaran was divided into large estates owned by Englishmen. They forced the Indian tenants to plant 15% of their holdings with Indigo and surrender the entire Indigo harvest as rent. After the landlords learned that Germany had developed synthetic Indigo, they asked for compensation from the sharecroppers for being released from the 15% arrangement. The sharecropping arrangement was irksome and so many peasants signed willingly. However, some of them engaged lawyers. Meanwhile, the news of synthetic Indigo reached the sharecroppers and they felt cheated, unhappy a

The Character Sketch of Peddler ('The Rattrap' Selma Lagerlof))

'The Rattrap' is one of the finest stories of Selma Lagerlof which represents global theme before the world about human nature. The peddler is central character in the story who roams like a vagabond in his own meditation keeping ill-opinion about the world and its people by selling rattraps. He thinks, this whole world with its lands and seas, its cities and villages is nothing but a big rattrap. It has never existed for any other purpose than to sets baits for people. It offers riches and joys, shelter and food, heat and clothing, exactly as the rattrap offers cheese and pork, and as soon as anyone tempts to touch the bait, it closes in on that one, and then everything comes to an end forever. His life is quite monotonous beyond happiness who makes rattraps in his odd moments by begging in the stores or sometimes picking wire from heaps of garbage. He doesn't earn enough even to his food to mouth and that is why he sometimes thieves for his survival. In fact, he thin

Character Sketch of William 'O' Douglas ('Deep Water' by William Douglas))

Deep Water is an autobiography of William 'O' Douglas where the story is entirely  based on William Douglas's childhood misadventure and his toil experience, how he learns swimming. Douglas is  quite excited to learn swimming when he is at ten or eleven years old. And suddenly one day an unexpected ‘misadventure’ happens with him. A big bruiser boy throws him into the Y.M.C.A swimming pool where he has nearly died due to sinking into the deep of the pool. Though he is very much scared but he doesn't lose his wit and plans that he would make a big jump when his feet would touch the bottom of the pool,thus he would come to the surface of the water to the shore but unfortunately his plane fails. Douglas then grows panicky and starts suffocating with heavy breath and feels like dead hung in the middle of the water  paralyzed. Though, he tries many times to come up on the surface of the water but every time his effort goes in vain. When his every effort goes in vain he l

Character Sketch of Mukesh ('Lost Spring' by Anees Jung)

Mukesh is a young boy who belongs to a bangles maker family from Frizabad the city which is famous for its colourful bangles where almost every colour of bangles are made sunny, gold, blue, red, paddy green, yellow, sky blue, violet and many others. He lives in Firozabad with his elder brother, sister-in-laws and his father. Firozabad is famous for bangles Industries where almost 20 thousand children illegally work with adults in dingy cell at high temperature around the furnace without air and light. Mukesh's family is among them whose entire family work in bangles industry and have spent generation working around forge. But Mukesh doesn't want to work in the bangles industry. He has a dream to be a motor-mechanic and he insists to be that. though it seems not too easy to be but he does. He takes the author to his half built home through a narrow stinking lane chocked with garbage and 24 hours running water. There is no facility of proper drainage and dirty water management.

Character sketch of Saheb-e-Alam ('Lost Spring' by Anees Jung))

  The author’s acquaintance with Saheb and many of his friends who are  barefoot  rag-pickers introduce her to Seemapuri. Saheb is such a boy who picks up rags roaming street to street many with his friends, Saheb and his entire family live in Seemapuri, it is a slum area located on the periphery of Delhi. Though Saheb and his family have come from Bangladesh in 1971 while war as being refugees and they settled here forever. Saheb’s family is one among many rag-pickers in Seemapuri. The area consists of mud structures, with roof of tin and tarpaulin. Saheb roams barefoot with his friends; they appear like flight of birds in the morning and disappear till the afternoon. There are no facilities of sewage, drainage or 24 hours running water. About 10,000 rag-pickers live in Seemapuri. Saheb has also many dreams like a common child but there is no one around him who could listen his sound of heart. He seems curious to have a pair of shoes. The shirt that he has worn looks discolou

Character Sketch of Franz ('The Last Lesson' by Alphonse Daudet))

These lines have been taken from the last lesson written 'Alphonse Daudet' where Franz is another central character of the lesson. He is a young boy who spends most of his time out of doors searching birds' eggs and playing instead going his school. But one day Franz gets late for his school and hurries towards his school. On that day while the way to his school Franz sees many unusual things like a huge crowd of people reading the bulletin-board, Prussians soldiers exercising in the field, no hustle and bustle out of the school as usual that makes Franz surprise more than ever before. He guess the day like a Sunday but he knows his teacher hasn't noticed him about the school to be closed. Franz fears to go into the class of his teacher M. Hamel to be scolded because he didn't recite the rules of Participle and another reason to be late. But nothing happens when he enters the class. He feels like a pin drop silence all around the class room as well as the school

Character sketch of M. Hamel ('The Last Lesson' by Alphonse Daudet))

M.Hamel  is the central character  after Franz in the story the last lesson, he is  Franz’s teacher who is cranky minded and a kind of strict man about discipline. He loves his nation and it’s people as well as his mother tongue French from the bottom of his heart. He has been teaching French for last forty years with great dignity and honour, but suddenly his heart breaks into pieces when he comes to know that his mother tongue has changed. He feels very sorry by missing his language and school where he had been teaching for last forty years in the service of his nation. He is a man of Great Spirit and a true patriot. He puts a beautiful green coat, his frilled shirt, and the little black silk cap in the honour of that last lesson. M.Hamel loves children and school, the garden that has grown under his supervision. His humble heart wails by going far from those things that he has seen from his own eyes growing and rearing. He teaches Grammar, history, poems very attentively as i