

COMPLETE SOLUTION OF THE RATTRAP Q1. What is the name of the author of “The Rattrap”? Ans:- Selma Lagerlof (1858-1940) is the author of “The Rattrap” Q2. What is the Rattrap? Ans:- A trap for mice which is made of tiny iron bars and wire. Q3. What was the business of the Peddler? Ans:- Selling  small rattraps by moving around in his own meditation. Q4. Besides selling the Rattraps and begging what else did Peddler do? Ans:- Besides selling the Rattraps and begging, the Peddler had to pretty thievery to keep his body and soul together. Q5. Did the Peddler get profit from his business rattrap selling? Ans:- no, the Peddler didn’t get profit from his business by rattrap selling. Q6. How was the life of the Peddler? Ans:- The life of Peddler was sorrowful and monotonous that appeared like a vagabond. Q7. According to the Peddler, what is the mean by ‘Rattrap’? Ans:- According to the Peddler, the whole world with i


COMPLETE SOLUTION OF DEEP WATER Q1. Write the name of the author “Deep Water”. Ans:- William Douglas. Q2. When had misadventure happened with Douglas? Ans:- It had happened when douglas was ten or eleven years old. Q3. What was the name of swimming pool? Ans:- Y.M.C.A. was the name of the swimming pool. Q4. What was the name of that treacherous river? Ans:- The Yakima river was treacherous. Q5. How deep was that swimming pool from both sides? Ans:- Though Y.M.C.A. pool was safe. It was only two or three feet deep at the shallow end; while it was nine feet deep at the other side. Q6. Why didn’t Douglas want to go naked into the water? Ans:- Douglas didn’t want to go naked into the water because he didn’t want to show his skinny legs. Q7. How old was Douglas when his father used to take him to the beach in California? Ans:- Douglas was three or four years old when his father took him to  the beach in California. Q8. What did Douglas d


COMPLETE SOLUTION OF LOST SPRING Q1. What is the name of the author of “Lost Spring”? Ans:- Anees jung is the author of “Lost Spring”. Q2. Who are the central characters of the story? Ans:- Saheb-e-Alam and Mukesh are the central characters in the story. Q3. Who is Saheb-e-Alam? Ans:- Saheb-e-Alam is a rag-picker who picks up rags by roaming street to street  with many of his friends. Q4. Who is Mukesh? What does he want to be? Ans:- Mukesh is a young boy who belongs to a bangles maker family of Firozabad. He wants to be a motor mechanic. Q4. What does Saheb seem to do every morning many with his friends? Ans: -Saheb seems scrounging every morning for gold in the garbage dumps many with his friends. Q5. What does the author ask Saheb? Ans: - The author asks Saheb to go to school. Q6. What is the mean by Saheb-e-Alam? Ans:- Lord of the universe. Q7. What does one answer when the author asks to wear “ Chappals? Ans:- My mother