Character Sketch of The Tiger King (The Tiger King by Kalki)

The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram, sir Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur, had many titles and sub-manes but shortly he was famous as The Tiger King because of tigers hunting. Just after ten days of Maharaja's birth, a chief astrologer foretold, the child would become heroes of hero, warriors of warrior and champions of champios but his death would come from a tiger. Crown prince Jung Jung Bahadur grew taller and stronger each day. He was taught by an English tutor, cared by an English nanny, drank milk of English cow and watched only English movies. He grew as the son of a king should be reared. When he was at twenty, he took the reign in his hands. The maharaja kept his campaign continue of tigers hunting with rare single-mindedness. Within ten years he killed seventy tigers but still he needed thirty tigers to disprove the prophecy of astrologer. But there was not even a single tiger in his kingdom. So, he decided to marry a girl of a state which had a large tigers population so that he was able to kill 100 tigers. Now, whenever he would visit his in-laws, he killed tigers to reach his goal. The tiger king could pay any price to maintain his kingdom. He also gave a bribe worth three lakh rupees to a high-ranking official to retain his kingdom but he refused it. The Maharaja knew how to take work from his minions.
He had killed 99 tigers but still one was remained. However, he aimed to kill the last beast but unfortunately the tiger didn't die but the king thought he killed even the last one. And at last, ironically, the Tiger king met his death by his wooden tiger. Thus, hundred tiger took revenge upon him.    


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